Our children are a very important part of Hope Church and there is always plenty to keep them busy and learning more about God! Most Sundays we start in the main hall all together and then the children go to another room for singing, games, stories and craft. On the weeks when we run Café Church we all stay in the main service, but the service is very child-friendly and there is lots for them to do.

This year in Wayfinders we are working through lots of our favourite stories from the Old Testament. The children love sharing what they have learnt and made with the grown-ups afterwards!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

The Future

We have lots of ideas for how we could be serving our community – we would love to run Parent and Toddler groups, Warm Spaces etc but we are just starting out and we need more people on board! If you would like to be involved in any of these things, to help with the running of Hope Church, or have any other ideas for ways in which we can bless our community then we would love to hear from you!